Yup, I'm in! Started a week ago. Did my first LSAT prep test this morning... only scored 141, but ironically, I did well on the difficult questions and over-thought the simpler questions.
... you are getting 43 to 49 correct. Unless I'm mistaken ... some core issues in your prep style that you may not ... improvement at least if you prep smart!!! All the best!
... a day) and then LSAT prep after work... is the extra ... terms of what is truly difficult about working f/t and ... 20hrs avg./week to LSAT prep.. but i had to share ...
... are. It's much more difficult for me to fully pay ... we put in as individuals. Prep materials are just tools to ... 't reward choosing the better prep materials (though that is part ...
... the general consensus across most prep companies and test takers as ... what makes the early tests difficult, while the newer ones it ... actual logic that is more difficult. Every other early PT has ...
... hours per week of prep was very difficult. A longer study schedule ... of studying (e.g., a prep-test and blind review still ... you can manage a longer prep schedule, you might find that ...
... equally so it is really difficult to parse out the quality ... mailing it in during those prep hours because you're tired ... the beginning and throughout their prep that their journey will be ...
... the position of having LSAT prep not be the primary focus ... 's not enough time to prep comfortably for the next test ... variables (which is just more difficult and takes longer...besides being ... are supposed to be more difficult. The biggest thing with the ...