... must have an active LSAC PrepPlus subscription. That includes us, ... you only need one LSAC PrepPlus subscription no matter how ... need to purchase multiple LSAC PrepPlus accounts. You can use the ... I should still purchase LSAC PrepPlus in order to experience ...
... not need to purchase LSAC PrepPlus in order to have access ... I should still purchase LSAC PrepPlus in order to experience what ... need to purchase an LSAC PrepPlus subscription for your grandfathered Ultimate ...
Interested - EST! Retaking after a 1year break (and reapplying too, if you're in this boat send me a msg. and let's commiserate together) Goal: Trying to get my blind review score instead of my score-score
You need to have a LSAT PrepPlus to have access to the explanation videos.
You can score your paper exams on 7sage without an account.
You can use PDF versions of the exams with 7sage if you have a LSAT PrepPlus account.
... , I upgraded to the LSAC PrepPlus and still cannot access the ... have successfully linked your LSAC PrepPlus subscription to your 7Sage account ...
I got it from a Kaplan prep course a year or so ago, right before they transitioned to online formatting, thanks for the advice I will try it out later and see what I can find.
... – they repeat the same questions year after year, and it's all ... high 160s score, and next year I'll be going to ... that it took me over 1year of studying, I think it ...
To clarify, PrepPlus is a subscription service offered ... have an active LSAC PrepPlus subscription. That includes ... need one active LSAC PrepPlus subscription no matter ... 7sage.com/grandfathered-account-lsac-prep-plus/).
I am a bit confused by the explanations. Do we need to get the LSAC PrepPlus if we have the Ultimate+ member from 7Sage? And when do we lose our access to the materials if we do not get the LSAC PrepPlus? @"Juliet --Student Service--"