What kind of LR Types come up most often on the recent tests? What type of LR questions should we be focusing on mostly? Any help is greatly appreciated!
... me to understand the question types better.
The only significance ... started to notice that question types tend towards distribution patterns. types tend to have different types of distributions...
I'm drilling some Cambridge MSS questions and Im having some trouble with the idea of them. I think of them as "Must Be True" questions, even though I know that we are looking for conclusions, but for some reason, JY's videos ...
Has anyone created their own LG pkg sort of like the Cambridge pkgs that you wouldn't mind sharing? I know I'm asking a lot. LOL I've started and stopped trying to complete my own pkg a few times. I'm looking for maybe a list of each question type for ...
I noticed that wording of these two MSS stems are slightly different.
1. “The statements above, if true, most strongly support which one of the following?”
2. “Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the statement ...
All the different companies use different phrases for question types and I'm getting a bit confused by the different terms. Can someone explain what pseudo sufficient questions mean?
Can someone please explain briefly the differences of these three LR question types and how we should approach each type? Just a brief, helpful, cheatsheet type of explanation would be great. Thanks!!
Hey! So there was a thread started on LR questions. Creating a cheat sheet. Link here:
I was wondering if anyone had a type of cheet sheet for LG??
... : I’ve drilled all the types of questions from 1-38 ... ’m not getting the same types consistently wrong. It always just ... of the trends with question types, but I always, when taking ...