I know the option for "incorrect when last taken" is available in the auto drilling mode, but please add it in the custom drilling mode as well. It would be great to choose a specific set of question types, from a specific range of tests, then drill ones I ...
After taking a drill, and reviewing your results, there is a "priority" category. Which will either say "v low" or "v high"
What does this mean? I'm constantly getting the "v low" ones correct, but not always the "v high" which I am concerned about.
any advice on how to get "high" priority questions correct? I always get low priority questions right, regardless of difficulty level, but struggle with the high ones. Especially in LR
It looks like the drill function gives me the option to choose (for example) LR questions by Causal Reasoning. But when I click it, it has zero questions. Is this just me? Could this be fixed? It would be super helpful to drill causal reasoning LR types or ...