... the CC and did most problemsets of LR/LG, a few ... weak up around 11am. The problem is I don't feel ... LSAT. I can still do problemsets with the bad feeling, and ...
... LR question. Do you do problemsets and then drill an entire ... LR section. Just problemsets? Timed? Not timed? I think ... twice so many of the problemsets are familiar to me and ...
So, I'm currently completing the sufficient assumption section of the CC, and I have a question about diagramming. When I'm currently doing the practice problems and problemsets, I find that I am most successful (95% and
... 100% on most of the problemsets, and if I ever get ... going through all of the problemsets (not saving any for later ... . I'm at the strengthening problemsets.
I don’t know why but I’m struggling with SA. During the quiz exercises I’ve done pretty well, but then I get to the problemsets and it just seems to take forever. Anyone else experience this? What was your remedy for this?
... and to shift from drilling problemsets by question types to taking ... the CC for any given problem set in total, I miss ... understand. I have tried the problemsets both timed and untimed, but ...
... : simple sequencing examples then the problemsets then sequencing w/ a twist ... it's examples then its problemsets etc) or jumping around wherever ...