3 times is not a problem. I probably would take signup for June anyways since the test is going digital and that would be an extra adjustment. Have fun tomorrow and take June anyways! 3 is really not a problem
... on LG's, and come up with a 171 BR score ... go to law school and signup for LSAT Premium on 7Sage ... a huge advantage). I also signup for the Nov. 17 LSAT ...
Can't vote for both but I say signup for both. Mostly because you can cancel after seeing your score but also because July could be a good way to see how the digital test feels (if you get selected).
... free registration as a back up (October or even November). Plan ... , cancel. Use free registration to signup for October.
- Take September ... you should consider just signing up for September now so you ...
It might be good to signup for it and just go ahead and take it then so that you don't lose momentum. But you could also take the October administration without necessarily being considered late.
... my July 2019 score to signup for the October test, but ... centers, I immediately went to signup only to be placed on ... they're trying to open up more testing centers, but I ...
The July test sucked! I canceled my score immediately after opening the webpage. One thing is... If you want to take the September test you have to signup by tomorrow. LSAC extended the deadline.
If you haven't done so already, signup for the LSAC Candidate Referral Service (CRS). This is how law schools can find you and reach out to you. You can also call or email the admissions offices and just ask for a fee waiver.
Don't take it until you're ready. If you're serious about 170 as a target score than I'd say your average needs to be at least within 3 points of a 170 and ideally above that. Once you're there, then go ahead and signup for a take.