... class to ‘upgrade’ my in-progress B.A. in Economics (my ... second major) into an in-progress B.S. in something known ... frustrated with your (lack of) progress, ask yourself whether you would ...
Hey 7Sage!
I am very excited to finally get started on my journey towards law school.
A little information about myself. Im starting 3rd year in September at a University in B.C., Canada and I'm double majoring in Finance and International ...
Is it normal that one hits a point in their studying where it all just "clicks" and your score just rapidly increases? Or is it more likely to slowly progress?
I started the 7sage core curriculum in March, and finished it last week.
My diagnostic was 153. Today, I took my first PT (after my diagnostic test) - PT39.
I scored a disappointing 151, with 161 for BR. ( I left 13 questions blank due to ...