(P.S., I know this is a long and dense post, but there's an opportunity at the bottom for anyone reading this to get paid, so hopefully that's an incentive to read this :P)
Hi guys! I wanted to get some feedback from you smart people on the ...
So this question was an oddball for me. I know it's something we've seen before where we are given a principle/rules/whatever and we have to apply it to given situations. I normally do a fairly decent job of keeping track of all the "rules" in my head but ...
Hey, guys. Why is there talk of three M here when the rules say exactly two M? JY mentions three M and others also mentioned in the comments section. What am I missing here? Three M was never an option for me becatse of that rule.
Why is "E" not the correct answer?
-Galindo starts up off his response with a broad generalization of a phenomenon "an oil industry background is no guarantee of success", and then uses a single instance of said phenomenon to support his claim.
Can anyone please tell me how the answer choice (B) is correct and (C) is wrong?? I just can't get myself to understand. This just sounds like the question is playing word games.
This seems like it's a relatively easy question but I cannot understand why answer choice (b) is right over answer choice (a). Doesn't answer choice (b) strengthen the argument since Salmonella is has to be quickly identified ...
I struggled between A and B, why is A wrong? and why is B right?
I would think A to be wrong because it focuses the blame on historians, which came from nowhere because the stimulus didn't mention; or even "some great scientists" we don't ...
Why is "only very careful drivers use headlights when their use is not legally required" the answer here? I literally can't bend my mind to figure out why that changes anything after the headlight law went into effect and the resulting lack of collision ...
Can anybody help me with this question, because it is driving me crazy.
Why is B wrong? The stimulus clearly states "**any**given individual molecule of substance can activate..." how is this statement not supporting B?
And how can C be ...
I was watching the explanation for the in/out game referring to a group of people who can only be hired if they are interviewed for a position. In the explanation for the last question in the set, it mentions that the problem states at ...
Hi all - I'd really appreciate your help on understanding the argument in this question.
I get the gap in this question is that just because first doctrine states that "all historical events must be explained in economic factors" doesn't ...
Can someone help explain this question to me? It's the first LR question I haven't been able to understand, even after blind review and review. I chose answer choice B.
I was stuck between B and C, and ultimately ended up going with C. I immediately crossed out D because I didn't think it was relevant. Would really appreciate someone's insight.
Why is the administrator's argument weak? Is it because she is trying to base her conclusion (pilots make mistakes in 1 in 2 million flight landings) on the flight reports and it's not as precise as actual footage of the flights? (air traffic control tapes ...
Could someone pls explain what the stimulus is saying and how is B a better(and correct) answer than B? None of the answers stuck out to me as actually addressing the gap in the stimulus and so I think I might have misunderstood the argument ...