We debated this question for a long time in ... , wouldn’t that call into question every time we find that ... ://7sage.com/lsat_explanations/lsat-69-section-1-question-14/
... questions are from PT 36 SECTION 1 #18 and PT 63 SECTION 1 #10. I ... 'm having trouble understanding why for PT ... conclusion is correct but for PT 63 an answer choice (D ...
I was between B/E and choose B because I immediately crossed out E b/c of the term HIGHLY productive which isn't stated in the stimulus (but E was right)
- can anyone explain this to me and also why E right over B Thanks :)
I'm not sure why 1) negating morally right to mean morally wrong is incorrect and 2) negating right to mean wrong is incorrect. Please explain!
... do)... but I missed this question in my personal blind review ... , which was before the 4/23 BR group and didn ... ://7sage.com/lsat_explanations/lsat-70-section-1-question-09/
... ://7sage.com/lsat_explanations/lsat-70-section-1-question-24/
I ran ... some issues with a LR question on PT 70 S1 and would ... />
For #24 (the Macro/Micronutrients question), the last sentence reads:
... ? Because the specific sentence in question is in reference to "participants ... ://7sage.com/lsat_explanations/lsat-60-section-4-passage-3-questions/