Hey, guys! I'm just drilling a few weaken questions on my lunch break and I have a question about AC C. I eliminated it but I haven't found my reasoning in the forums that matched mine, so I want to make sure I eliminated it for the right reasons. The AC ...
would AC e be a close second....i seem to have glossed over d and missed it choosing e realizing my folly on BR. But isn't e another version of d so plausible in the absence ...
I am still quite confused about why answer choice D is wrong here. After all, couldn't it be argued that P is proposing a hypothesis (that M's hypothesis is laughable) and showing that it is merely possible (by stating that it ...
I don't understand how B is correct. It states that "a piece of narrow floorboard was NOT SIGNIFICANTLY LESS EXPENSIVE than a piece of wide floorboard'." However, how does that translate to narrow boards being more expensive--which I believe would make ...
I wanna discuss about P's reasoning method; especially how does P from M's words make this inference: "no one else could read them, according to your hypothesis."
is there any part in M's reasoning can P infer that people not knowing the ...
PT 76 S2 Q19 AC (D) is not a flaw because the author does not presume that the argument it cites is the union leaders' only argument for their view while PT 25 S2 Q12 AC (E) is a flaw because a reason not mentioned in the stimulus is not ...