... ://7sage.com/lsat_explanations/lsat-46-section-3-question-24/
This sufficient assumption ... question really has me thrown. I' ... time with understanding the whole question.
Hey 7Sagers! Here's a question from a student I thought ... attempted negations for necessary assumption question Dec 2009, s3,q25. Thank ... ://7sage.com/lsat_explanations/lsat-59-section-3-question-25/
I don't know why this trips me up SO BADLY, but I ended up switching this one to the correct answer in my BR.
BUT, I watched the video and I reasoned it differently.
We're taught that, if we're given a premise, we have to take it to be true, ...
Tough. Choice (E) is correct.
You can tell by using the
contrapositive on both of these statements:
If not (prices fall as rapidly as/more rapidly than
then not (production costs fall as rapidly or more ...
Sooooo inferences are usually much more clear and this one is giving me a lot of trouble. I gave B a considerable amount of thought, but I felt like it's a flaw because it goes from health food enthusiasts to saying in general, those who take XYZ will ...
Necessary Assumption question. "An article claims that many medical patients have an instinctual ability..." Can anyone explain why the answer's B?
... ://7sage.com/lsat_explanations/lsat-56-section-3-question-21
I understand Jon ... 's explanation on this question, but I was tricked by ... the question's word choice "revival" in ...
I can't see the difference between the flaw in B and the the flaw in the incorrect answer choices....
... ://7sage.com/lsat_explanations/lsat-34-section-3-question-20/
Hi guys, having ... of trouble with this weakening question. Here's my understanding of ...