This was obviously a tough question, and after hours of tearing out my hair, I understand where the flaw is and why answer choice E is correct. Yet, there is still one component I am confused about.
Someone help me out here? I have a vague understanding of why C is the right answer, though I naively selected A. Best explanation I could come up with is that there will always be not obese kids being born into the population, regardless of the percentage ...
I think I understand why B is right, since middle ear infections are not defined as being bacterial infections in the stimulus. Probably just assumed this on my first read, which led me to pick A or D. I can't remember. I've drilled this question at least ...
Got this one right by POE but had a tough time being OK with A. It is definitely something I considered as a flaw in the reasoning. However, the use of "the identity of the practical joker" in the stimulus (which we accept as true and cannot contradict) ...
I'm fanatically refreshing my email every 15 minutes now that we have hit 4:30 EST. It doesn't look like it's today, sadly. Commiserate with me, fellow February testers!
I had a hard time understanding why (A) is the right answer. After thinking about it for a day on and off, I came up with this reasoning. Please take a look if my logic behind getting the right answer is correct.
I am quite puzzled by the answer to this question altogether. The answer to this is answer choice A (circular reasoning of the first sentence and the last part of the last sentence following "because"), but I am not quite sure why ...
I had a question on answer choice E with this one. To me, the reasoning of flaw in answer choice E was the same as that of answer choice D of the same PT same section question 20.