For this game, the instructor said "J" and "O" can't be stacked together because the rule is: "J" comes earlier than "O." If "J" is stacked with "O," with "J" in the a.m. and "O" in the p ...
I just wanted to hear other people's thoughts on this question. It just felt totally weird to me, it seemed like the correct answer choice was inconsequential compared to the central ...
Are "pharmacological intervention in the brain's neurochemistry" and"chemical changes in the brain" meaning the same thing? They are interchangeable? Otherwise I don't understand why the answer is B... ...
I took PT 66 RC a week ago and got -16. Without BRing for it I retook it just now and ended up with -13. Not much difference! I had to skip the last passage AGAIN and got stuck between 2 answer choices in 10 questions. The ACs were much harder to eliminate ...
I'm struggling a bit with this question. It is a Necessary Assumption question, and when I read it, I thought I had identified the assumption. I thought "To be considered a planet, a celestial body could not have formed in ...