This question is so hard! Can anyone explain this? What is the meaning of "they otherwise" in the last sentence? Why does J.Y mention contemporary artist exist or does not exist? I am ...
But I was under the impression that conditional statements are not comparisons. I read the first sentence as a comparison and therefore ignored it since I did not read it as a conditional statement. How should I have broken down the first sentence to see ...
Could anyone explain why D rather than C is correct?
P: (1) most of the new shows produced last year by WW were canceled;
(2) this year's new shows are all police dramas, and few police dramas have been popular in recent years
C: ...
Does the stimulus in this question illustrate a causal relationship between the Sumerian's inability to support agriculture and its collapse? I'm wondering if the second to last ...
Ok so I'm doing my blind review, and when I initially did the test I chose the correct answer even though I wasn't happy with it because it seemed more like a sufficient assumption to me. I don't have the ultimate package so I don't have the explanation ...
I am retaking some of the 70's PT's to get ready for Saturday (fingers crossed!). Most of the LR is no problem for me, I just was hoping for a bit of a discussion on a few questions, maybe someone can critique my reasoning? So here it is:
Im in the middle of BRing and i like AC E bc how does the author know that having so much artwork that can satisfy every taste imaginable will affect someones aesthetic fulfilment.
But AC D... does the author have to assume there is such a scenario? ...
So the correct answer here was B. According to JY, B is right because the argument requires an assumption: that in order for direct mail advertising to not be bad for the environment, it needs to replace those who would normally buy ...
This Friday, we got the man, the myth, the legend, Daniel aka @canihazJD himself who's agreed to bestow his INFINITE LSAT wisdom exclusively to 7Sage community members.
... -week-lr-blind-review-pt72-s2/)) and ([RC](https:// ... week-rc-blind-review-pt72-s1/)) Blind Review classes ... on PT72. We had fun discussing ... -the-week-lr-blind-review-pt72-s2/) | [RC Review](https ... week-rc-blind-review-pt72-s1/)). You can take ...
... -week-lr-blind-review-pt72-s2/)) and ([RC](https:// ... week-rc-blind-review-pt72-s1/)) Blind Review classes ... on PT72. We had fun discussing ... -the-week-lr-blind-review-pt72-s2/) | [RC Review](https ... week-rc-blind-review-pt72-s1/)). You can take ...
... was: say we let Q be the statement "create ... />
Glen: I believe Q is most important because P ... negligible danger in making Q the most important. On ... simply disagrees by stating Q is more dangerous than ... dangerous) to Sara believing Q is not the most ...