I picked C for both during the timed run and blind review.
I read from another post that C is wrong because it's mixing up the sufficiency and necessity condition but I'm still not seeing that this is the case.
I sent in my accommodation request on August 11th and still haven’t heard back. Should I email LSAC or is it normal for them to take a little bit longer than 14 days?
This question proved to be incredibly challenging for me. Could someone please define how the argument used two different uses of the term "selfish?" Thanks in advance!
Like many others, I was stuck between A and C here. However, while I do understand JY's explanation that a "claim" does not need support while an "argument" does, I thought A was correct here because the second sentence of the stimulus ...
I don't understand how B is correct. It states that "a piece of narrow floorboard was NOT SIGNIFICANTLY LESS EXPENSIVE than a piece of wide floorboard'." However, how does that translate to narrow boards being more expensive--which I believe would make ...
I have trouble understanding answer choice B. What is it like to be ambiguous in an LR stimulus? When I was doing this question under timed, I thought ambiguous notion of knowledge was the author does not state whether her example of ...
So while I did understand why the wrong answer choices were wrong here, I had trouble understanding why E was right. Can anyone explain their reasoning here?
The reason I had trouble understanding why E was right was ...
Hey all. I took the August LSAT and got a 149, much lower than my practice written tests. It was a complete shit show on exam day (I won't get into all of the details). I have about 5 weeks to get as much out of this course as possible. With my 4.0 GPA ...
c=.. fail to consider the human costs that consumers pay in nationalized insurance
p- high tech medicine is restricted
p2- transplants are rationed
p3- people are denied treatments they want and need
I interpreted "D" as saying that new fields had been found since "oil that is considered unextractable is now considered extractible." For "D" to be correct, I thought we had to make the assumption that the shift between unextractable to extractible was ...
Is this still a thing today for T-14 schools? I'm intl' btw so I am not looking for scholarship money. But do law schools still practice rolling admissions? Just wondering if applying in Feb puts me at a significant disadvantage!