so this is my third time taking the lsat i took it last year in October bombed that cause my anxiety messed me up, and made a mistake and took it within a month again and did horrible my anxiety and nervousness really gets to me. ...
... , so if I make any major "faux pas", please let me ... />
Note: This is the major curve-breaking response, and is ... likely a major source of error/frustration for ...
... year I was a STEM major that I was pressured into ... GPA, but I changed my major sophomore year and got a ... , 2 hrs away from every major city, no stoplights lol) where ... transcript shows a change in major, I am wondering if I ...
... the REASON why you develop PTSD, and therefore you can still ... is because to resist developing PTSD, it is still because that ... conditional logic chain: trauma -> PTSD -> more cortisol), so B ...
Im not sure what to do. I have been averaging 168-170 on pts on this site for 1-2 months but my actual score for the august one was in the low low 160s. Why is this the case??? What am i doing wrong??? Are the 7sage tests somehow scored differently?
I understand that applicants with foreign undergraduate degrees do not fare well in admissions, but would an engineer with two years of experience in the US be a plus? I plan to apply to schools that rank from 70 to 100 (LSAT 150~160).