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Let me go over the other answer choices with commentary, ... Required Assumption question where the correct answerchoice didn't ... when choosing this answerchoice interpret that statement to ... of over inference.
I second alexroark5's suggestion. I also try to repeat the question number and answerchoice in my head while I'm bubbling to ensure that I haven't skipped over a bubble/question inadvertently.
... a real chance to go over answers, but I did ... t skip without circling an answerchoice! You may not have ... marks next to each answerchoice I felt was totally ... want to be done over all on the last ... not answering your original topic question!
... about a particular answerchoice. For instance, the correct answer for main point ... ("double check") next to that question and use the extra time ... at the end to check over the other answers. I find ... almost always do read all answer choices -- I won't for ...
... of approaching each individual question, I follow the 7sage ... the stimulus, then eliminate answer choices, then choose the ... am unsure about an answerchoice or am stuck between ... star next to that question so I know to ... 6 - 8 minutes left over. At that point I ...
... region has been steadily decreasing over the past ten years, and ... could take this sort of question into a whole number of ... it will be an RRE question, and they'll add some ... of fish) - and the right answerchoice might say something like this ...
... Part Questions
- The question stem will directly quote a ... repeat cookie cutter answer choices used over and over.
- ... stimulus and then find the answerchoice that parallels it answer choice is saying.
... get the fundamentals. Go over the material and drill until ... necessary. Remembering the right answerchoice is not exactly detrimental but ... reasoning behind why an answerchoice is correct and why ... nailed the fundamentals behind each question type. You can do ...
... are different, then an answerchoice that explains why the two ... Fact Test: if an answerchoice describes an event that ... conditions will remain constant over time and that what ... automatically mean small percentages
o Large percentages automatically mean ...
... not making the same mistakes over and over again. For example, I ... a quick glance at the question), which are due to time ... suggested writing out why each answerchoice is correct or incorrect, and ...
... mitigate it over time - often subconsciously. Once you can answer questions ... if that means multiple breaks over a long time. Rest time ... articulate out loud what each answerchoice is saying and how it ... to the prompt and the question stem. It's slow and ...
We are asked in question 8 to undermine this conclusion ... be expected to turn over the total amount of ... is that it must turn over ALL of the fish. ... goals, so that is why answerchoice (B) is correct. B ... with toxins by turning over only a few of ...
You mentioned ... and then just circled the answer, and not been visibly frustrated ... is a very easy strengthen question, #2 is a main ... obvious structure, and #3's answerchoice sticks out like a sore ...
... useful.
I then went over the LSAT Trainer's section ... made specific notes on the question types. The book breaks it ... how they structure correct/incorrect answer choices and what to look ... what aspects of the incorrect answerchoice made me chose it. :)
... their explanation for a certain answerchoice is using a different prep ... not truly understand that specific question, even though I may think ... I was able to look over every explanation that JY has ... and doing POE on 4 answer choices. Also, after BR I ...
... to recognize the type of question instantly, and then the relevant ... guide you to the right answerchoice) will start to jump out ... feeling of reading the stimulus over and over again and feeling like ... to points relevant to the question), or when I got nervous ...
... to write explanations for every question after a little while, and ... me wrong, articulating why an answerchoice is right/wrong is key ... that actually writing them down over and over will get old fast ... aren't just remembering every question--at least a couple ...
... you're confident with your answerchoice and already scoring that high ... for you. I always glance over the other answers really quickly ... if it's a tough question, I approach it through POE ...
... either because it went completely over my head or because they ... a lot of great LR answerchoice explanations on the web. I ... I was consistently getting every question right in the packets, I ... very common (the most common?) question type. Hopefully this is helpful ...
... are writing down why each answerchoice is wrong. Definitively. Not in ... a reason why. Write all over that BR, diagram, whatever it ... of 1:25 for each question. The Trainer is also good ... you ~should be by each question. Obviously that differs for everyone ...
... like going through every question would be helpful ... question by question.Really forcing me to explain the stimulus and every answerchoice ... , really helped me in the way I answer ... thing with going over every single question, sometimes corey would ...
... can quickly brush over and know why an answerchoice is wrong I ... out an explanation for each answerchoice. By doing this you ... for those trap answer choices. When you actually miss question in LR ... first identify what type of question type it is, and identify ...
... note why I think the question took me longer than ... I fell for the trap answerchoice. I'll highlight any concepts ... example, I struggled with a question that started off with Not ... the bottom I have the question stem written out and ... I feel like it's over kill.
... over the course of a section. And obviously, the section happens question ... by question, but I’m not ... seeing JY eliminate an answerchoice because of the first two ... to then examine the entire answerchoice; but I can tell ...
... may do a quick skim over the passage before deciding to ... finishing up the main point question. I of course only do ... out which answerchoice is correct for the main point question, I feel ... your chances to get the question right altogether. This hasn't ...
... out my reasoning for each question in a notebook. It forces ... to understand each stimulus and answerchoice. Before I started doing that ... was really easy to gloss over something with just a vague ...
This is a tricky question overall, and "B" really contributes ... conclusions together must be attacked. Answerchoice "B" doesn't do this ... people would prefer more money over less. But does this provide ... prefer a high-wage job over a lower-wage one, all ...