... of drilling only a single questiontype. This is because drilling an ... to a wide variety of question types and lets your brain ... switch from one question stem to another.
@"Dillon A. Wright" Of course not. I was asking for practice questions from actual test grouped by questiontype. The resource for this material, not actual PDF files. Relax homeboy.
... 're working on the cooresponding questiontype in the course. If you ... yourself, "yeah, I know that," type stuff because it seems like ... questions. The causation and correlation type questions were throwing me off ...
... out an explanation for every question for my first 5 tests ... deficiency in a particular questiontype, start drilling that questiontype (so that you ... can do those question types in ...
... by complete sections. Drilling by questiontype can quickly lead to diminishing ... you can identify a game/questiontype immediately and know exactly what ...
So if you drill by section, would you eventually be able to see the patterns in each questiontype? I keep jumping between the two ideas: drill by type versus by section.
hey man sorry to hear that; this test was pretty difficult for a lot of people, i think the questiontype frequency really screwed some people over, especially in LR, i think you have a pretty good base to improve upon for a retake. good luck!
... matter? For example, if the question passage is only talking about ... leads to a few more question you should always ask: what ... or worse (depending on the questiontype)? From there, think about the ...
Also, if you have a good feel for the questiontype, don't just blow through all the problem sets. You need to save some for later when you are in your PT phase so you can shore up any weaknesses you may have.
What would the necessary assumption be? I already perceived the correlation-causation flaw but couldn't fit that as an answer choice in this necessary assumption questiontype
Yes, I always read the question stem first. My reasoning is ... an understanding of what each questiontype is looking for.
A ... whole thing, then reading the question stem, then most likely having ...
... drill down and look at question by question performance for LR and ... they find flaws in the question they will toss it out ... difficulty and maintain categorization by questiontype. Then when it comes time ...
@DumbHollywoodActor Will the original class be rescheduled at sometime? Or is the original being broken down into individual classes for each assumption questiontype?