its just business. just like your stats are an opp for them to boost their ranking your game is to maximize your return (i.e. scholarship and best school). why would they hold against you if you make them look even better now! Do it
Wow, so HR blocked my previous boss from writing me a letter. I'm at the end of my rope for a fellowship and/or admission to a higher ranking school because of this. Gotta love professional life...
@as5324therapy they want to keep their acceptance % low, this may be a factor in the USNEWS ranking so obviously schools will do their best to rank as high as possible.
... in determining a school’s ranking, schools would almost be forced ... to maintain or improve their ranking. Even if USN&WR ... pick candidates to manipulate their ranking. They now have the option ...
LSAT scores are a big factor in determining a school’s ranking, and the highest score is the only one that matters for that. So they do have strong motivation to overlook weaker scores when deciding when to make someone an offer or not.
Hello, I live in Canada as well. From what I read ranking would not be much help because people are mostly advised to study in a province that they want to practice. And many provinces have 1 or 2 law schools
@Addistotle said:
What're the chances of one being set up?
Do you guys have a publication that runs rankings for Canadian schools? Ours are based off of US News which is the more-or-less definitive ranking source for US schools.
The score is what is reported for ranking purposes. They really don't care about anything else in terms of the feedback/data you get from LSAC after an official take.