A question for those who do well on RC. Do the top scorers avoid subvocalization? I've been tinkering with methods that work best for me on the RC section, and I'm curious if top scorers say the words in their head when reading through RCpassages.
... be taking the September LSAT. RC was usually my forte, ... or exceeding it. So RC is definitely now my Achilles ... because I suck at comparative passages or because the questions just ... . Any suggestions/help/anecdotes regarding RC are super welcome!
< ...
... margin-writing, etc.) in RC is typically pretty idiosyncratic and ... and feel like the passages are a blur and ... missing 5-6 per RC section (on the newer ... stem from increased familiarity with RC (and no doubt that ... against the wall with RC and wrote off using ...
Especially with the difficult RC passage about lacquer art in the September, I was wondering if there were any publications I could read to be comfortable with art related RCpassages.
I am having a weird problem where I get the details in the passage correct but then I miss the MP questions. I am usually good with the harder RCpassages but if I mess up, it is usually with the MP questions. Solutions?
... . And what JY had said, RC has become especially addictive. As ... especially helpful when doing harder passages. The answer choices do helps ... am only 2nd week into RC, I am constantly meditating on ... this as RC is not about reading.
... maybe gotten 2/4 passages completed on RC (Averaging about 12-15 ... did one passage and got ¾ passages done on a prep-test ... up front on the easy passages…” Which was exactly how I ... (obviously with allowances for harder passages).
... the Nicole Hopkins webinar on RC and felt like a lot ... try to work through an RC passage on my own using ... I can view properly annotated passages done by others? I don ...
... I've noticed that my RC is my worst section by ... -17 (out of 27) on RC... I find that I focus ... ). I've done loads of passages to know that my skills ... (science, econ, law, etc)... with the exception of history passages, which I ...
OK, so my battle with RC and been brutal, long, and ... I'm going -5ish. In RC I have seen the biggest ... .Y. Ping" put in a RC webinar, you have to be ... some of those level 5 passages. What still to this day ... question to all of the RC gurus out there is how ...
... advice here,
So My RC on old PTs (20s to ... or 2 on entire 3 passages and get completely destroyed on ... just print out most difficult passages and focus drill them? RC score
... br />
We will review individual RCpassages and have the white board ... to talk about specific passages and isolate weaknesses for ... ** Webinar: Breaking Through Difficult Passages with Daniel (danielznelson) ... a clean copy of the passages & games. Please ...
... hours away at an agricultural law firm. I’ve worked ... logic games, complete an RC passage or two, or ... , get used to reading RCpassages quickly, choose a few ... once I am out of law school. Part of our ... diagram
... much trouble with the GRE RCpassages, so I thought that my ... s an example sentence. "LSAT passages are like paper tigers: they ... "how difficult are the LSAT passages?" Here, it helps you to ... the difficulty of the LSAT passages.
... reading comprehension tutoring by using passages from older practice tests. Let ... if you are struggling with RC and would like to work ... />
So yes : ) Let's tackle RC!
... how to read and comprehend RCpassages effectively. This time, in ... way to do such passages which makes these kinds ... of passages a piece of cake ... />
Since A-B passages don't start till later ... do these kind of passages. There are 86 PT ...
... it honestly changed my whole RC experience. I knew exactly when ... minutes on the first two passages cause I was playing around ... . However, I would recommend trying RC and LR digitally to see ... diversity within the field of law.***
RC got you like this? passages? Obnoxiously dull and dizzying ... science passages? _Inference_ Questions? Obligatory ... RC section of the week. We'll breakdown one or two passages ...