... -blind-review-pt72-s2/)) and ([RC](https://7sage.com/event/pt ... clinical "equipoise" in that third RCpassage. We also picked each others ... -lr-blind-review-pt72-s2/) | [RC Review](https://7sage.com/event ... on Monday for LR and RC? Additionally, have you found ...
For RC, I had to work on ... Then I am drilling 1 passage at a time without the ... />
I plan to do 1 RCpassage a night as a drill ... asking for. How is your RC strategy?
You ... Then drill by section. Keep RC in the mix as well.
... yourself into thinking every single RCpassage is super interesting. Pause after ... without going back into the passage which sped up easy sections ...
... with (1) getting comfortable with RCpassage types and questions (the LSAT ... vibe & tricks to writing RC material), (2) habitualizing the ... 10 LR questions & 1 RCpassage at a pace that works ... min", "complete the first 2 RC passages in X minutes", " ...
... something explicitly written in the passage. However, I am struggling ... and, therefore, what their passage might imply is often VERY ... For instance, in one recent passage, the author's position on ... context but within the wordy RCpassage it's really easy to ...
Hey guys after watching Nicole Hopkins' webinar on RC ... Jimmy Quicksilver's webinar on RC Question Types and Tips I ... note that I’m doing RC a slightly similar way ... efficiently for structure and see the similarities in each passage which I ...
Right now I finish reading a passage in ... we should read for reasoning structure. It sounds like making a ... 't ensure me catch the structure. Actually, sometimes I feel ... notation helps in reading for structure. I suppose it should, ...
... be a legitimate strategy. My RC is consistently my most weakest ... i begin the last passage and the last passage is just about ... the first passage is consistently the easiest, in terms of structure and ... end with (hopefully) an easier passage in front of me carrying ...
... LG combined, and -SHITLOAD for RC. My study plan was skimming ... and doing a few PTs. RC was always my worst part ... STEMS only before reading the passage?
Possible pro: ... the details and neglecting the structure and viewpoints
When doing RC passages, I seem to do ... -picture approach focus on the structure, viewpoints (and how they ... inferences and assumptions within the passage and neglect the larger implications ... />
1) Main Idea
2) Structure
3) Opinions/Positions
... an RC section (Particularly PT 68) and got to the last passage ... one advise just reading the passage as quickly as you can ... was lucky that this particular passage had a lot of line ...
... systems, margin-writing, etc.) in RC is typically pretty idiosyncratic and ... just on understanding the passage and its structure, and then going through ... from missing 5-6 per RC section (on the newer ... stem from increased familiarity with RC (and no doubt that's ...
... actually get to the fourth passage on time. I always only ... to get through all the passage and questions fast enough tot ... on how I could drill RC to get better?
... br />
Week 2 with RC practices. I been doing them ... -8 min on the passage and 6-7 min ... of -1 on the passage. Never a -0 because ... just because 1) The passage usually require time to understand ... referential phrases, 2) the structure is not clear, 3) ...
Until ... completed on RC (Averaging about 12-15 minutes per passage – no joke ... passage until 3:30. Then did a 30 second review of structure ... with the actual passage itself), I’m improving on RC now just ...
... over 10 min easily per passage, with 1+ wrong. I ... RC = _a seamless integration_ of 1. active reading + 2.reading for structure ... an example (PT 32 Passage 4 opening paragraph) to ... strategy, I read the passage in about 4:15 min ... under the allotted time / passage.
... I would like to, and RC is the only section holding ... on LR and LG, but RC just doesn't seem to ... as even when I do passage untimed, I still cannot go ... embarrassing amount. I read for structure, tone, etc. and all of ...
So last ... how to read and comprehend RC passages effectively. This time, in ... own. But lets Blind Review Passage 3 together.
If you ... . We will go over the passage together.
... ve been gradually improving on RC over the last 10 PTs ... more time upfront understanding the passage content/structure/emphasis and less time ... two by looking at the passage for textual evidence and eventually ... JY's advice for difficult RC questions is to cut your ...