I hate waiting, but I just continue to study as normal, hopefully I won’t have to re-take but I took this exam not being 100% ready so I’m not expecting anything special. I took January as a test run for March, June, and July if need be.
... in my best interest to re-take the LSAT to try for ... points lower than my first take. I then got really unsure ... 30s). By the time I re-dedicated myself to things and ... re-wrote my PS, I squeaked ...
... be to your advantage to re-take for a higher score. If ... in a thoughtful way - only take it when you are fully ... about how many times you take it beyond that. If you ...
@hawaiihi if/when something like that happens, do people normally re-apply to the same school the following year and just re-take the LSAT, etc. or improve in whatever way they needed to do? Just curious.
... 't think people are saying re-take because these aren't great ... />
And again, I'd take note of those numbers at ... risk you are willing to take. Student loans are non-dischargeable ... to wait a year and re-take, there could be scholarship money ...
@H_846507, Take some time to listen to ... the core curriculum again, really take time when you get to ... aren't many who would retake after scoring 170 but I ...
... of months until you take the LSAT? The tricky ... extra time for a re-take, so you don't ... internship but also need to re-take (or even just delay ... because you're not ready) the LSAT ... undergraduate experience, so you're doing everything right. Hope ...
... of tests available for a re-take study program. Space PT82 ... . When you review RC, take time to write out your ... point of the passage. Take time to write out your ... and what step you can take in the future to ... br />
Given that you're in the mid 160s after ...
@noonawoon That’s what they did for me! I had huge problems with ProctorU on Sunday and I did my re-take Friday. Much better experience the 2nd time around. Now I just have to worry about them reporting the wrong score haha.
... it's frowned upon to take the LSAT a 3rd time ... on how many times you take it as long as you ... a lower score and then re-take. If you feel very insecure ...
... it's frowned upon to take the LSAT a 3rd time ... on how many times you take it as long as you ... a lower score and then re-take. If you feel very insecure ...
Oh my I am so sorry I was just coming here to post to tell you that there are multiple people on Reddit reporting that same thing. A free retake doesn’t compensate people who had active applications out and were trying to go to school this cycle.
... ; Hi, I'm trying to re-take a PT I did several ... . Is there a way to re-take the PT without deleting my ... data from my initial take? (Similar to how you can ...
@goforbroke thank you for your words of encouragement! I am just taking it day by day. I will definitely do my best to re-direct my energy back to the LSAT in case I need to re-take :smile:
@kilgoretrout I forgot to show the back side of my paper too.. took the writing sample on Sept 2nd. Hoping they'll still approve? Would be soo frustrating to have to re-take just to see my score....