Hello, I have realized that there are certain questions on Reading Comprehension that do not have an explanation. For example the video would jump from question 14 to question 16 without any reference to question 15. Does anybody know the reason for that? ...
... ? I looked under the explanation videos tab and was able to ... 3, but couldn't get videos for section 4 specifically. Same ... goes for the other PT videos I'm looking for :\
... Owl tab that manages your recording and ensure the microphone it ... , then it would also be recording audio (JY if you read ... for both video and audio recording. I'm praying this works ...
Hello! I was wondering if anyone had any good tips or resources regarding the writing portion of the LSAT (videos, sample essays, etc). I'm planning on doing it today or tomorrow night, but maybe I'm rushing it... any help would be appreciated!
Am I the only one experiencing this? I was currently on introduction to lawgic ldoing practice questions of the groups but noticed the video hasn't appeared. i already cleared my data and im unsure what to do.