After filing a complaint, I was presented with an option to retest this weekend. I was wondering if the score release date is different for people who retest than those who took the original exam at the start of the month?
Hey, y’all. I took the LSAT in August and my score came back today with a 140. It’s not what I wanted, but it’s also not the worst that it could have been. I’m shooting for a 155 and want to retake it in a couple of months.
I was wondering if anyone knew how long it took for the LSAC to release past LSAT tests for practice? For example, I took the LSAT in November 2022 and want to look over that test but when would it be available on Law Hub/to everyone?
how did we all do- better than pts or lower? I got a 168 my highest/normal pts are 170-171 but overall I'm pretty happy. Any advice on whether I should retake it in October- I'm pretty close to my goal and I had a lot of nerves on test day. Not sure I want ...
Scores from August 2024 were released and I am really disappointed. I scored a 163. My PT scores range from 165-170, the average being 167. I am super bummed about scoring that low. I felt that my nerves were under control on test day and when I was ...
I had planned to take the October test, but my score was not good enough, so I withdrew my October test and am now preparing for the January one. I hope I have more time to figure out the test.
I spoke with J.Y in mid-June and he said it takes them about 3 weeks to turn it around after the release date so it should be made available any day now.