... there is only one 'split rule', which is the case the ... the game; usually, one split rule will have a larger impact ... with experience, but a rough rule of thumb is the number ...
In my understanding the OR rule indicates that one of them MUST happen. It cannot be that both cannot happen. It's either M-J or J-N. One of these two must happen.
A or B but not both means one must be in at the exclusion of the other.
... means I misinterpreted a crucial rule involving consecutive calendar days...sigh ... time is either misinterpreting a rule making the game super difficult ...
... 't mistakenly inverted an ordering rule or something silly like that ... that question anyway. Pick a rule, apply it, eliminate choices, repeat ...
Regarding the comment about when taehyung started college there was no google. When I started college there were no computers. There were no calculators. I packed a slide rule in my bags.
I'm not super sure what you're asking. I've always been strict with time (on sections and PT's) because ... well ... that's a large part of the purpose of taking them.
Do a drill (take a section, doesn't matter which). Use a stopwatch app ...