Just submitted my writing sample and after I submitted I noticed 3 small typos (like forgetting an "a" somewhere) - how badly will that affect me? I know this section isn't graded but also know that some schools read it in detail...
... few questions about writing my resume. First, should I include retail ... jobs on my resume if that's all the ... really matter? Also on my resume it will show that I ...
... planned on completed the writing sample a couple days after. However ... I am submitting the writing sample 10 days prior to score ... exams and submitted your writing sample later? Did you experience any ...
I want to cancel my score using the Score Preview for First-Time Test Takers but does anyone know if this will also wipe my writing sample? I'm not keen on taking the writing portion again.
Looking for someone to BR with for the May 2020 Flex Sample LSAC recently released on lawhub. Thinking of taking it either this Saturday or Sunday and BRing shortly after. Average PT hovering around169/170 with RC being my worst section and LG my best.
If you've taken the sample on LawHub, how did LG go? I found games 3 and 4 were a bit difficult -- were there any splits/SBGs that I may have missed or did you just plow through using rules? Any recommendations on games similar to game 3?