One thing that people tend to do during the actual test is to rush, and rushing is one of the biggest reasons why people's scores drop! Just remember, no rushing! :) Wish you luck on your test!
I would perhaps just aim for June. More time to focus and crush this test.
You don't want to rush during the learning stage and not build a solid foundation.
It will depend on the person but I recommend giving yourself time to review each PT. Doing them all in November will be a rush and you won't absorb what you need to. I did 3 PT's a week leading up to my September test and that was a good pace for me.
I'm submitting everything before except of course for the lsat score. The only thing is I have to rush the personal statement, since I'm only done the draft and deadlines to apply in canada for most law schools is next week.
Take your time, don't rush through. See why an answer is right and not just sounds right b4 moving on. If it wasn't too obvious take the time to make sure u know why the wrong AC is wrong and DRILL DRILL DRILL until you get it down