... the first question, all being on the same page. Yes because ... just start practicing with separate scratchpaper, and familiarize myself with how ...
... to do low res summaries onscratchpaper but it's just too ... margins. Not only is writing on the scratchpaper time consuming, it is ... both the passage on the screen and the scratchpaper notes for answering ...
... the question, which I caught on to later in section 2 ... I had to take notes on my scratchpaper next to the digital ... to jot notes down right on the passage.
... you a little packet of scratchpaper. It is blank (no lines ... ). You can use the paper for any portion of the ... a stylus that works both on the tablet and doubles as ... to use pencils and erasers on the scratchpaper (no highlighters).
... 'm still doing old school paper and pencil, but I think ... valuable to start switching to scratchpaper + a pen, and using a ... is what it is like on test day)
... />
2. I actually liked having scratchpaper. You have unlimited room to ... , start now. No more writing on the test going forward. Also ... there is unlimited room for scratch, though, there's really no ...
... be able to use physical scratchpaper for making notes? What about ... />
Yes! LSAC will provide scratchpaper and a pen for test ... to underline and highlight text on the tablet."
No, you could write it on the scratchpaper. I prefer underlining the 1-2 words in each paragraph that will prompt my summary of the structure of each paragraph.
... I only practiced on a desktop. I HATED the scratchpaper they provided ... you could put the RC on full-screen. That was pretty ... or not it's available on 7 sage because I certainly ...
... paragraph by paragraph and focus on the broader main idea of ... what lines you're confused on, accept the ambiguity, and ... (I recommend writing these down on your scratchpaper) and your memory. Spend ... After that, you can focus on just the questions you need ...
... the screen relative to my scratchpaper (screen up and to the ... right of the scratchpaper; pen in my left ... />
I read that the exam scratchpaper comes in a bound booklet ... that slightly janky stapling on my homemade scratchpaper booklets was just fine ...
... format better than pencil and paper. I just really appreciate the ... much everything else is better on digital imo except for ... understand and agree on the inconvenience of notating onLR and RC (they ... Plus you can still anotate onLR and RC and arguably more ...
... ACs, etc. So you write onscratchpaper like you normally do with ... with the process any advice on application would be greatly appreciated ... yourself stick with your intuition on the first choice when ... see that freaking 'blank' on Q16 on my score report..I kept ...