Yes this should be correct. Ive seen the june and February test dates but haven't seen the fall test date yet. Either way the fall test has usually been either late Sept or early Oct.
I would like to know how to diagram Q#19, Sec5 from Sept 2009 LSAT. I've been looking at this question for hours and still don't see how to connect these ideas to make it a sufficient assumption
You'll see your itemized eventually on LSAC i'm not sure how long it takes, but I can see mine from Sept 2014. But its just numbered questions I don't know what section (it says section 1,2,3,4,5) or what the exact question was just the number.
Absolutely love the PT schedule mixing it up & not sequential!
Keep up the hard work on understanding the fundamentals - you are building a strong BR group for Sept that will benefit you all:)