How does the score conversion work? Like if only 3 sections count, are they accounting for the fourth that we take, assuming we don't take it 'simulated modern'? Or do they just completely not count the experimental section as the actual LSAT would?
Whenever I do Modern test with 1LR, 1LG, and 1RC I get about -5 ~ -6 on LR. However, when I do two LR it is -5/-6 on one LR but about -10/11 in the second one. I see the pattern but I am not sure what the issue could be?
Remember, one is better than 0. The assumption requires that having just the physical exams is necessary and the sufficient argument would be the quality of medical care provided by the laboratory tests, ...
It would be really helpful to be able to add a RC or LR section to a preptest in the August 2024 format, to simulate the actual 4 section test. Right now there is no solid way to take a 4 section test in preparation for August 2024.