@ColinTurner610 not a dumb question. But basically you don't want to waste a fresh pt by being spoiled to the discussions that wearehaving. So yes, take the PT before joining.
... for the qualitative considerations of having so many Ws, I would ... addendum explaining your circumstances. Since admissions are largely a numbers game (LSAT and ... fine considering both your numbers are likely to be great. :)
... 'm not going to a T14 or getting a 170+ that I ... some schools. My state schools are pretty good too and I ... 'm praying to get a score high enough to get ... in your first year - specially sinceweare older women folk ; ).
... common variations on a necessary/sufficient conflation. Weare give: A---->B ... , weare given: A---->B we affirm havinga B we conclude we have ... an A
... ability to bridge a gap between a conclusion and a premise. Instead ...
"The Kuna, a people native to several Panamanian ... islands, generally have a low incidence of high ... high blood pressure. However, sinceweare just asked to find what ...
But IMHO, a college graduate should favorably impress ... a reunited high school friend, law school acceptance or attendance notwithstanding. Sinceweare ... talking about a time span of at ...
... language here. I believe you arehavinga bit of difficulty here with ... driving **_less_**.)
So we have set up this problem ... the problem. (C) says if we raise the price of gasoline ... so... because they are driving less? And here we get to the ...
... ASAP as it sounds that weare in a similar situation (work FT ... late February 2019, after taking a few months off after studying ... slow as well. I'm having to relearn or retrain myself ... I definitely need to have a concrete understanding.
... a 20 point jump and have currently improved 13 points (so weare ... in a fairly similar place). I ... considerably better than Khan but having access to free question banks ...
... me tell you, you are not alone. Don't ... there because burnout is a big issue when studying ... have a safety net to fall to. Since they are giving ... a free retake, why not make use of it? Sinceweare ... on the same boat, feel free to DM me! We ...
... is when reading both passage A and B then going to ... exact details. I was thinking sinceweare saving 2min off of bubbling ... that we will have the time to ...
... details. I was thinking sinceweare saving 2min off of bubbling ... questions to scan for [Passage A questions] seems time consuming, ... this may be a better strategy than potentially being ... after doing all [Passage A questions]. The bubble section ...
... who not only thinks they are smarter than everyone else ... but are also morally superior? Are you the second ... been a bad chapter in Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged. Sinceweare ... sharing web pages versus case law please take a moment ...
... gave us a nice overview of things we need to ... know - we got to meet ... and work with a few ... Super grateful for that, since I probably wouldn't have ... could be helpful since exams are basically a race against the ...
... the same concern. Scored a 166 while the school ... am applying to has a median of 167. Do ... November and risk having them already accepted a lot of ... part we should roll the dice. Is there a place ... in App to specify weare taking a future LSAT ...
... a vote I would also give some perspective because I think weare ... in a similar situation. I ... an early test, and since I already delayed I ... I am working with a study group and working ... extra time will be a big plus to take ...
I actually was having similar questions. I took a look at several ... prompts and they are very brief. So clearly we must be ... are no missing necessary assumptions or anything. So, as long as weare ... making a "good argument," the sky ...
... plants 20 years ago, we know have a basis for comparing the ... $100,000) and have since decreased to a value 1/10 of ... costs are now equal ($10,000 = $10,000). However, we know that ... cost is increasing, meaning weare comparing a value that is over $10 ...
... working at the same time we change our safety protocols, THIS ... seeing more accidents. We're looking at a cause/effect relationship and ... is telling me that after we have more accidents preceding and ... 't give me a reason as to WHY wearehaving those changes. C ...
... more sinceweare learning tons of information. This link gives you a condensed ... notice that the conclusion introduces a new element that is ... that's a fairly big hint you are looking for a bridging answer ... need to find and you are losing against the LSAT.
... in.
1 Weare given a conditional statement as a premise (if traveled ... ), however, this being a conditional statement weare not supposed to take ... it as a fact that ... on or source fish, since they had awesome jerky.
> 1 Weare given a conditional statement as a premise (if traveled ... ), however, this being a conditional statement weare not supposed to take ... it as a fact ... on or source fish, since they had awesome jerky.
Definitely didn't see this looonnnnggg waiting back when I applied! Would anyone recommend retaking and aiming for a higher LSAT score now, sinceweare waiting for decisions anyway?