Hey JS I asked a similar question but I think now its a hard question to ask. Nobody knows your/mine capability of learning speed etc. But I do think you could
Review the "Blind Review Method" at the beginning of the syllabus. Also, don't worry too much about the speed at first; get the logic and reasoning down first. The speed will come naturally as you practice more and more.
If you're just starting, they're not bad. Speed improvement depends on where you are up to. If you are beginning, don't focus on time; it will improve with practice.
I have studies for four months now and don't worry about the time yet. Speed will come with practice. I think you should be naturally fast vs. rushing yourself half-understanding what you are doing.
I'd agree with @AlenaLSAT. Speed really comes with more understanding. Take your time to review well and integrate the ideas into your thinking. When it becomes natural, you will inevitably be working through questions faster.
Yeah I whole heartedly agree, that worked already for me, but after 18 prep tests and 6 months of studying I feel that now I need to resort to other things to speed up such as consciously pushing my time.