I didn't take in December, but plan to take in February (...or June if need be). I'm in the DC area, though. I've only hit a 167 on PTs and admittedly haven't been studying enough, so I'm not sure if I'm the kind of studybuddy you're looking for haha.
Hello! (I think it is so interesting that we have the same last name.) I am actually taking the test for the second time in February. If you would like, I can be your studybuddy online.
Hi Mely, I saw your interest in the other discussion groups regarding a studybuddy. I am also considering the June date. Maybe we can meet with the other people as well. Skype would work for me.
I am also interested in doing a Skype/Facetime type study plan. Currently signed up for the June LSAT but considering pushing it off until October or December. Contact me via email if you're still looking for a studybuddy! shayna.l.matheny@gmail.com
... next weekend morning (prime study time!) to a hang ... br />
- My studybuddy has extremely strong study habits and is ... to be their regular studybuddy, what they are really ... to have an LSAT studybuddy - because I am ... t wait for my studybuddy to arrive when I ...
@pseudonymous HAHA ... such a great tie-in! Just as long as we're working within a supramaximalist as opposed to faculty-focused context, we're golden.
And—the studybuddy feature in 7sage is awesome! It lets others see your analytics.
That makes sense. Thanks so much for taking the time to look at this.
PS-I think the studybuddy resource is fantastic and I'm really glad that y'all added it.
Moved to the "Find LSAT StudyBuddy" section. Hope you find someone / a group! Check out all the current groups here: