@MissChanandler was trying to make a studyplan to cover one PT a week for the rest of the weeks before test and wanted to create a plan for selecting PTs to take. Is there a better plan to select PTs.
Congratulations!! If not it is a secret, could you please share about your studyplan, your pre-7sage score, and how long you have been studying for? Thanks so much!!
• review my notes (even re ... -read through books)
• review my wrong answers - to 'cross ... them all off'
• review and drill weak(/weakest) spots ... right before. I don't plan on taking the May2020 test ...
@jeremiahbertin On the exact same studyplan as you, patiently waiting for ... started studying in July and plan on taking the exam in ... , and August. ****Looking for a study partner who is willing to ...