... pet peeves when people equate sufficient with strong and necessary ... miracle (so your necessary assumption needs to be a huge ... statement might still be a sufficientassumption). I've seen more ... too weak' to be a sufficientassumption, and it grinds my gears ...
Seems like a pseudo sufficientassumption type question, or necessary/sufficient rather than basing ... to high taxes isn't sufficient for good leadership
Displays ... relationship, and perhaps the pseudo sufficient is that, opposed to higher ...
The conclusion of the of the argument only says that you are LESS LIKELY to lose plants to a frost if you plant according to the phases of the moon. The answer you suggested would be a sufficientassumption but not necessary.
....Sorry, I'm kinda lost. What's PIA? haha :sweat_smile: Are you guys talking about Point at Issue (Disagree) questions or Pseudo SufficientAssumption (PSA) questions? Or is it something new? Sorry!
... of it this way, for Sufficientassumption questions, you are looking for ... are generally indicators of a sufficientassumption answer instead of a necessary ... worded in contrast to the sufficientassumption answers that are strongly worded ...
In a Sufficent Assumption question, it is ... both the necessary and sufficientassumption, but I'm not ... any other society " seems sufficient rather than necessary.
... invention.
SufficientAssumption: Some societies have been completely ...
... Logical Reasoning questions (in the assumption family) have some gap in ... were, this would be a sufficientassumption question. Instead, we simply want ... answer choice that renders the assumption the author made in her ...
... , if we are answering a SufficientAssumption question, the correct answer choice ... />
So premises are not automatically sufficient conditions nor are conclusions necessary ... that you equate premises with sufficient conditions and conclusions as necessary ...