the syllabus is basically a list so the green checkmarks for progress are gone ..the problem set icons are all gone- no time, no highlight features, or elimination buttons visible...can't practice like this
Hi! Should I be following the Syllabus all the way through first *then* starting the Prep Tests? Or should I be doing them weekly anyways? I'm a little confused on this, any help appreciated!
I am taking the LSAT in August.
So far, my highest LSAT score is 157.
Should I continue to focus on the syllabus/lessons sections or focus on completing LSAT prep Tests and watching the explanation videos after?
Hello all!
I've been studying for a little over a month now and wanted to ask whether I should complete ALL the lessons before going to practice, or do both the syllabus and practice simultaneously?
Thank you all and best of luck!
As the title says, I have already started old syllabus and something like 25-35% through it. Should I switch to the new one and go from the start or they are not that different and I am good with doing the old one and just skipping LG sections???
... I can find the relevant syllabus sections to review and improve ... weakness tags with the proper syllabus sections so I can more ... ? That would filter down the syllabus to just my weaknesses?
... towards the bottom of the syllabus right before the PTs start ... use more questions from PTs 17-35. There is no way ... I'd check your whole syllabus before you raise it up ...
@dytmom_3x Full sections of pts 45, 44,36,34,30,23,17,16,15,14,11,9,8,7,5,4,3,1. Individual games from 49 and down. All four games from 47 in the type section. 49:1:4 was the latest game I saw in there.
... Schedule to start on January 17, 2022, and you would like ... to work through the entire [Syllabus]( at ... to work through the entire Syllabus within that timeframe, including taking ...