... Schedule to start on January 17, 2022, and you would like ... to work through the entire [Syllabus](https://7sage.com/progress/) at ... to work through the entire Syllabus within that timeframe, including taking ...
I practiced 20 random weaken questions using the cambridge bundles and I got 4 wrong out of 20. 2 were from the most difficult group, while the other 2 I got wrong were easier...
Is there hope for me to get everything down for a high score ...
The reason why E doesn't help is because E requires us to go one more step to explain why people aren't wearing seat belts?(because they are not obeying the law?)
On top of the syllabus created for us in this course, should we be doing our own outside work? Should we be aiming to take 1-2 (or more) practice tests on our own a week?
... , for the preptests on the syllabus, after you click continue to ... sends you back to the syllabus as opposed to "continue" for ... click on it from the syllabus page. Just thought I'd ...
Just a thought - has anyone else noticed an increase in repetitive answer choices, such as getting answer choice D for 14, 15, 16 and 17? It seems like as I've worked through the newer tests it becomes more prevalent.
Ok, I am joking about this being the hardest LR question of all time. Of course, there have been harder questions, but for some reason, this one took me days and days to get....
First of all, this is a very unique principle question. Usually ...