... />
Also, you can take the writing after theexamif you’d like, I ... took mine the day after. < ... August, LSAC is adding back the experimental section, so that means ... will still be graded the same as the current flex (each section ...
... because you missed something in the stimulus, not because of a trap ... previously translated all the stimuli.
> Ifnot, then either ... : (A) you didn't understand the stimulus initially on the ...
... because you missed something in the stimulus, not because of a trap ... translated all the stimuli.
> >
> > Ifnot, then ... either: (A) you didn't understand the stimulus initially on the ...
if you already have an lsat ... to no gain from takingthe gre. if you're going to ... school, i'd go with the lsat retake.
good luck ... ://7sage.com/should-you-take-the-gre-instead-of ...
... that has been said in the upcoming weeks. @Journeyto99thpercentile I found ... helpful. My main reason for takingtheexam in June is to have ... time for applications. I figured the LSAT flex would be most ... one LR section rather than the two I would face in ...
This works most of the time for me but what ... to first look at the structure of the stimulus. This usually knocks ... the type of flaw and that usually gets me to the answer, ifnot ... down to the last 2 answer ...
... for two months before YOLO takingtheexam in April. Just like you ... mid 160s before 80s, and the 80s prep test just tanked ... before April exam were both 155. In the actual April exam, I got ...
... agree that 156 is not a terrible score, but ... will be out of the majority ifnot all schools' reach, ... except for maybe 1-2 schools if ... able to use the 156 even if kept on file. ... successful applicants, exception being if you have a very ...
... with anxiety before taking a practice test. One of the ways I ... to look forward to after takingtheexam. Personally, I like to ... helps release any stress from theexam and feel invigorated to start ... with your BR score. Eventually the two scores will match each ...
... practice and get comfortable takingtheexam will help. Consider taking untimed sections and ... PTs before timing yourself. Maybe the timing ... to make yourself feel comfortable taking it. Gain confidence as you ...
Hey @lsat_sus, when do you plan on takingtheexam and which cycle do you plan on applying? Also have you taken an exam already and does one need to reach their target score in their PTs to decide to take an exam? Thanks.
My friend, if you are unsatisfied with the services 7Sage provides, then ... I do not see why you went through the trouble of ... review would accomplish much of the same ifnot more. Furthermore, 7Sage ... . Finally, your main advice, the importance of drilling, is a ...
I took theexam in June. You are absolutely, ... . So, while preparing for theexam, do not hesitate to use it, as ... allowed to use it on the actual thing. I hope this ...
... accommodation allowing you to take the paper exam, you should be practicing ... a 180 my first time takingtheexam. I was consistently -0/-1 ... , when I first started taking PTs in the 70s and 80s my ... />
I only ever took theexam on computer, but I wish ...
Thanks for the advice! I thought I'm ... back upon whole process of takingtheexam), but I think I need ... "much" as possible... Thanks for the advice again!!