... second choice is the correct answer. Which implies that my labeling ... was wrong. The answer states that it was a ... Claim and Explanation in the answer choices or question stems, does ...
... a hard time understanding the answer for PT 54.2.24 ... is growing....")
the answer is A (that cows given ... exactly is this the best answer when it doesn't address ... 't seem difficult but the answer choices just sucked! ;)
... the flaw and the correct answer is "some painters are dancers ... 't 100% confident in my answer choice. i understand the first ... "cowards NOT fools," but the answer choice seems to suggest that ...
Why is my syllabus all of a sudden marking literally everything (even lessons I haven't done yet) with black checkmarks?! It stopped keeping my place in the lessons, and when I click "continue" it goes straight back to PT question and answer. Ugh!
I watched the video explanation numerous times and cannot figure out how the correct answer came about. I think the sequencing and grouping games are the hardest ones for me. Can someone help me
... " are obvious that the right answer present the exact contrapositive statement ... confused me when the right answer's "physical structure" is so ... principle and apply to each answer choices.
So, could some ...
... is… the underlying assumption is….. answer A weakens it because …….and ... wrong because….. You picked this answer earlier because (Most difficult part ...
I was down to A and C, and the answer is A, but I chose C.
I'm having a difficult time understanding why A is the answer and C is wrong.
I mean I thought both could be answers.