... />
Looking at the last two sentences ofthe stimulus, I see a ... jump from "shedding tears" to "crying." The author seemstobe ... assuming that shedding tears implies crying, but this need not bethe ...
... but it seems more like a sufficient assumption because ofthe word "only ... financial reward is not the only incentive, the conclusion seemstobe ok. Because, you ... know, what if financial reward is the ...
... this section:
Unlike the rest ofthe LSAT, each question in this ... . All of this invariably leads to one thing: over-anxious reading ofthe stimulus ... about the reading and the text seemstobe on your way) and, on the other ...
I plan on taking the June LSAT and seem tobe running outof time. I ... near as much time to study for the LSAT as I had ... 30 hours of "course work" left but with the end ofthe semester coming ... where where I would like tobe. I was wondering if it ...
... to your first diagnostic? I'm very curious since I finish the ... week and start PT'ing the following week.
Was it ... />
In addition, timing still seemstobe a bit of a problem when drilling ... . Hopefully when I start PT'ing the ...
... finish all ofthe passage in time or all ofthe questions. Should ... I review the passages after---since the goal ofthe method seemstobe ... if I might be better off to not review after ... and just keep trying to work on speed and ...
... />
In the process of trying to create a summary of invalid vs. valid ... the list method to check whether the "some" conclusion could be drawn and it seems ... beyond 7sage so this section ofthe lessons seemstobe giving me the most trouble.
... own reasons since the first seemstobe reasonably supported by the conclusion, but not ... two criteria and the second combines the two elements ofthe conclusion but in ... the stimulus. There will be answer choices that maybe fall "inside the realm" ofthe ...
... carbon monoxide on the surface of Pluto, which vaporize to make Pluto's ... would be more carbon monoxide than methane, which wrecks the argument. This seemstobe ... an example of a really bare ...
The issue seemstobe that sometimes plural ... nouns are referring to all members ofthe group ... not fruit. Yet the second statement seemsto mean that apples generally ...
Does anyone else feel like RC are just like extended LR questions? I've been using the same techniques for RC as I did for LR and it seemstobe working out really well. I find it helpful to approach questions this way.
... may be more opportunities to fix the "higher priority" questions because ofthe greater ... frequency, those missed questions might bethe top tier of ... lower accuracy than average. The latter seemstobe lower hanging fruit, despite ...
... br />
This list seemstobe mostly top ofthe T14 and either NY ... which is probably the best way to pursue a career ... background in the entertainment industry, and happy to discuss specifics ... s a good overview of some ofthe offerings that these ...
... there is between the GMAT verbal and the LSAT. Can ... I've read, the consensus seemstobe that the LSAT reading comp has ... longer passages and that the ... the bulk of my prep will be devoted to LG with a smaller part of ...
... working towards practicing law in the US after graduation. I'm ... my decision to go to law school in the US given the bleak uncertain ... into law school only tobe kicked outofthe country in the end.
< ... advice you guys have on the matter!! Thank you in ...
... everyone! I took the August Flex as my ... the option to preview my score before deciding whether to keep or cancel the ... quite disappointed, will definitely be retaking it but I was ... the score? There seemstobe some type of popular consensus to not cancel the ...
... the local but not national level and the solution JY has seemsto ... have come outof nowhere. I ... was under the impression ... must have been the more restrictive set of rules because ...
... any problems the group wants to try to look at and figure out together ... and maybe a bit more of an opportunity to socialize ... each day for the study sessions tobe a part of this group.
... LR tags are pretty confusing to me. The basic ones before I ... 's telling me to work on what seemstobe broad types of questions like ... Value Judgement and I just want to know the ... I make it go back tothe original analytical tags or is ...
... by taking wat seemstobe a lesser of attempt toward getting the details (structural ... verb or being more aware ofthe details b/c youre ... me that seemed tobethe case at least. And of course remember ... me at least, going back tothe old lessons (real old. ...
Haha the dream was more funny than terrifying. I don't think there's no way you can skip a WHOLE section on test day. You'd have tobe veritably outof your gourd to do so. :)
... . I know the schedule seems daunting and there seemstobe a ton of material but ... just remember that it's better tobe ... you need more than the conventional 3 months tobe prepared for this ...
... , but I hope to take the February test to get it outofthe way, thus ... and not having the LSAT hanging over me would be awesome. However ... just where I want tobe by the deadline to sign up for February ... June. If you are ready to spend the next 6 months studying ...
... 33), 3 ofthe 4 wrong answers will be a mischaracterization ofthe line (too ... ), and 1 ofthe wrong answers will be woefully outof scope. The more you can ... train your mind to see ...
Agree with @ddakjiking The arrangement ofthe questions seemstobe different and it sort of throws you ... harder questions super early in the section. Other than that, I ... feel like the most recent LR questions are ...
... seen before. Rather, this seemstobe a combination of reading comprehension and panic ... />
Quick Silver has the right idea - you need to calm yourself down ... cannot let panic consume you tothe point where you sit there ...
... an a trace of oxygen is present, the there cannot be a higher ... .
Therefore: the correct answer should be somewhere along the lines of that there ... like the correct answer to me
D) Outof scope? I mean the stimulus ...
... noticed in the game sections JY seemstobe using some ofthe earlier games that ... have until the last couple of weeks before the LSAT. Since some the 20s ... before getting tothe sections ofthe problem sets including those parts ofthe PTs. I ...
... nicole.hopkins I'm new to all of this, so could you ... and GPA, only being 4% ofthe data? I'm sure I ... something in this equation since the LSAT seemstobethe biggest factor for most ...