I did my top10 ways to spend a Saturday. It was pretty lighthearted, but also a chance to show my non-academic interests! Easily my favorite optional essay (honorable mention goes to Stanford-music to play while reviewing app)
> @sophie74 said:
> I did my Top10 Life Experiences and I think it really helped my app bc it showed a lot of different sides of me that the app did not show!
If its not personal, what top10 life experiences did you speak of?
I wrote "Top ten most effective things I ... 't know how much the top10 list mattered... Although on the ... note saying he enjoyed my top10 and wrote a few sentences ...
> @Pa2camp said:
> You see i never said I would outshine my peers.
Transferring would require you to outperform the vast majority of your peers though. Usually one would have to be within top10% at the very least, I believe.