Wow! Thanks for such a detailed response. I didn't ... given you've already made a video. That was really helpful ... fact "inherent danger" implies >0 rather than "more than reasonable".
... Manhattan Books, taken BluePrint 2.0 course, taken the AlphaScore online ... -68 after doing each game -0 is a virtual lock. If you ... you can tell i'm a pretty huge fan, but don ...
There are a few stems in RC, but ... and Weaken, usually in the form of "Which of the following ... often ask you to target a specific piece. In LR, you ...
... /-4 on LR, -0 on games, and a sad -8 on RC ... />
I've definitely noticed a difference in all of the ... think the games operate on a more abstract level. I feel ...
... late 50s I would get -0 on LR with 4 minutes ... to spare and -0 LG with 5 minutes to ... to these changes after spending a good bulk of time taking ... onwards feels like it has a group of questions designed to ...
I had a question for those who have ... watch. I purchased the watch a few weeks ago, but when ... automatically reset back to the 0 point before reaching the 35 ... mark then reset back to 0. My question is, has anyone ...
I'm looking for a long term study partner for ... either on pm or chat a few times per week.
I am good with LG (-0/-1) and LR (-2/-5 ... anyone is interested, please shoot a message and let's set ...
... for applicants. For instance, for a university there categories for general ... 's median is something like a 163/3.7, the mature ... category median is 156/3.0. So my mark is not ... is lower, thus I have a better chance of getting in.
I would recommend getting the Logic Games Bible as a supplement to 7Sage. It's a really good book for $30 on Amazon. I give it most of the credit for getting -0 to -3 on the games.
Plus if you buy from 7sage you get the PTs in convenient pdf form making it a sinch to print and reprint sections you are having particular difficulty with. I love being able to print a copy of a game whenever I feel like and have a fresh go at it.
... his videos...the LSAT introduces a new LR maybe once every ... LR question...if you want a good score, you should be ... assumptions, sufficient assumptions, weaken etc forma bulk of the questions on ...
... not necessarily to create a workable system of shorthand ... if you are doing a practice test under timed ... longer finish the passage in a haze of confusion. Additionally ... mins per section with 0-2 wrong in RC ... ) to getting 0-2 wrong overall (usually 0-1) for ...
... come back to it, make a bunch of possible solutions and ... find that if you make a bunch of hypotheticals, then you ... will be able to answer a few questions more easily. Say ... give it a try. I usually get -1 or -0 on LG ...
... prose are usually part of a discipline where the dynamic between ... you—versus writing as maybe aform of dress or speech or ... usually part of a DISCIPLINE..." What? How can a discipline be part ... of a discipline?
< ...
... LR is trending to be a bit more difficult than the ... are most similar to the form you will probably be confronted ... blow throw the tests. Take a PT, blind review, then tear ... . Each test you take is a treasure trove of information. Each ...