Hi @stepharizona not sure which schools yet but a couple of full rides are tempting. I expect I will get admitted to some of the schools I'm on the waitlist & might choose one of those instead.
@as5324therapy said:
anyone ever tried using an offer to get off a wait list? Ex-school X (ranked 25) offers you a seat and you have 2 weeks to respond. School Y (first choice, rank 45) wait lists you.
Rams Nation reporting. UCLA Classrooms. Always open, no one cares if you're in there. I go there on Saturdays and Sundays myself... lmk if you're up for a PT together @bjphillips5
Thanks, guys! I am leaning toward keeping the score. @stepharizona good point about retaking to get off the waitlist. That would be what, the February exam? June?
@hazelnut13 Philz is the best, I haven't been to that one yet. I love coffee shops for drilling and BR and usually a library for PTs. LMU and UCLA are both pretty good for that. Maybe we could get a small group together and have a review session.