It's weird because Northwestern's app (for the class entering in 2019) is now available on LSAC. It opened today. I guess we'll have to wait until Monday or just pay $75 now.... :sweat:
Thanks for resurrecting this thread. I want to apply this fall! Depending on my PT scores, I may take the January 2019 test. I keep pushing law school off year after year, so hoping I can set aside more time to study consistently.
... school in the fall of 2019 and enter law school in ... have to apply by November 2019 (or January 2020 for some ... receive graduate GPA by November 2019? Or are you planning to ... school in the spring of 2019?
@"Leah M B" Thanks! I will definitely try the forums. I'm far out from the admissions cycle seeing as I plan on doing the September 2019 cycle, but will definitely ask the admissions officers at my choice schools.
If all goes according to planned, I will be starting fall 2019 and will be 25. I got a Masters after my undergraduate degree and have worked at a nonprofit for a year and a half.