Did you apply for Spring 2021? I would check the law schools' website regarding the last month that they accept LSAT scores for their incoming classes.
> @ashleyfaulkner118 said:
> Did you apply for Spring 2021? I would check the law schools' website regarding the last month that they accept LSAT scores for their incoming classes.
@An_Skywalker This so hard. So frustrated that between mid summer and 2021 there was one international administration we could register for overseas while those stateside had 3. Why is this still a thing?
Request your transcript to be sent once your junior year is complete and once you have your fall senior classes listed. This could be anytime from May 2021-September 2021
@noonawoon @EagerestBeaver I am sending applications Fall 2021! Thank you for this advice, I am trying to stay motivated and want to make sure I am using the right materials.