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quick question - do you video record yourself for every PT ... />
or do you only video record yourself once in a ... 's kinda a hassle to video record oneself... so i would ...
... afternoon, watch JY's LG video explanations in the evening video explanations in the afternoon, hand ... , but especially those that I circle/skip) 1 LR section - all ...
Friday - Watch JY video explanations for every single LR ...
Hi everyone, in my haste to beat the clock during my diagnostic test, I failed to circle a lot of questions that I was unsure of so I could BR later. Would you recommend I BR the entire test?
I am planning to start recording myself while I am doing drills and reviewing my video footage for both LR and RC just wondering if anyone has a system that works for them, especially for RC.
Anyone want to share the timing sheets used for video footage? There is one with the live footage for PT 81 but I would love to get a fresh blank one for myself. Thanks in advance!
In the video explanation for PT40, Game 3, ... did JY set up the circle of cities out of order ... the video when he writes down the cities in that circle. circle - which wouldn't interfere with ...
Anybody do the video interview for St. John's? If so, what were the questions like? Should I wear a suit while I film myself? Do you get a chance to do retakes? What did you think of it?
I created a 22 question PT for myself, but I am unsure how to locate the Video explanation of the questions. I am looking to find the video for each question explaining why an answer was correct or not correct. Thank you