The ... LSAC has calculated these W's as F's and ... my school would use these W's in my GPA ... ,I,IP,NG,NGR,NR,W,WN
Nonpunitive: (This ... Nonpunitive section is blank but W's are listed under Omitted ...
Hello, I'm wondering if anyone has had experiences with LSAT tutoring. How many tutoring hours did you purchase? Did you have any issues with learning different strategies (from what 7Sage teaches)? What about materials? Did you have to purchase additional ...
I'm currently on this section of the CC right now. When I was watching JY diagram the game with the chart, I thought it was very useful/fast. However, I am still confused on when it is appropriate to use the chart. How do you know which grouping games to ...
Hey 7Sagers! I took the July administration as my third take, and scored a 166. I was PT-ing around 170 before the test, so I think I may have a decent chance of scoring at least a 169 in my next take, which would be November. I was wondering what is the ...
Is it acceptable to request a fee waiver with no LSAT score? I am thinking of having all of my applications ready to submit when scores are released and would appreciate having this out the way? Thoughts?
I'm applying to 3 schools total, 1 much higher ranked out of state (obvious reach for me) school and 2 schools local to me that are obvious competitors and ranked close to each other. When asked in person by my reach (who actually mentioned one of them), I ...
So, I was reviewing my application form. I was pressing buttons to see how to use one of my LSAC CAS Report waivers and I used ended up submitting the app which I didn't think was possible since I did not have a LSAT score. So, does this negatively effect ...
- Episode 1: AMA w/7Sager Can't Get Right ... 176)
- Episode 2: AMA w/7Sager AccountsPlayable (150s to 174 ... )
- Episode 3: AMA w/7Sager AllezAllez21 (160 to 177 ...
I've been having a lot of trouble understanding the explanation behind this game, which is also explained in the curriculum under sequencing games with a twist as the third example.
I am an older student (almost 40). I dropped out of college in 2001 with a sub-2.0 GPA due to domestic violence/abuse issues. I worked full-time throughout my first stint in college. After I dropped out, I continued to work full-time, and decided to go ...