... of the low priority questions correct and the highpriority incorrect no matter ... supported? Any tricks? What is Low and highpriority? and In what context?
... timed exam. My question is...whatdoes getting a question right in ... BR really mean? Does it mean you are capable ... the next go around or does it mean that your real ...
Hey everyone! Quick question... Whatdoes "appealing to evidence" exactly mean? Does it mean you're using evidence? I can't figure the exact definition of appeal.
... dumb...in regards to LG-whatdoes JY mean by memorize the ... logic set questions we review. Does he mean literally write it ... having the stimulus up? Or does he mean just drilling the ... confused and want to do what he is telling me to ...
Whatdoes it mean when the only answers you get wrong are the ones you flagged during your test. In my last three test every wrong answer I had was flagged. Has anyone experienced this before?
Whatdoes "priority"mean in the results section? For example, when you review your drill answers, there is a column that says priority. Whatdoes it refer to?
3. **whatdoes "priority" refer to? Is it the priority for what the individual ... LSAT?** Priority is a measure of what you need ... questions. The higher the priority for a question type, ... , then it will receive highpriority: you should focus on ...
1.what is the difference between "question ... ?
3. whatdoes "priority" refer to? Is it the priority for what the individual ... performance or is it a priority question type for the LSAT ...
No matter what problem set, I always miss the highpriority questions. I can't figure out how to isolate those so I can practice them. Does anyone know how?
... the low priority questions correct, some highpriority, and missing all of highpriority. I ... , but I am still missing highpriority questions. What are your guys' suggestions ... get more highpriority question examples? I am not sure what I am ...
Whatdoes it mean when your doing a problem set and it has priority ( very low, low high and very high)? Is this the matter of how important it is on the LSAT?
After taking a drill, and reviewing your results, there is a "priority" category. Which will either say "v low" or "vhigh" Whatdoes this mean? I'm constantly getting the "v low" ones correct, but not always the "vhigh" which I am concerned about.
Hi! Does anyone know what the priority rankings mean when looking at ... high % of accuracy but then it gives a number - or + regarding priority ... question type have a lower priority ranking (meaning a positive number ...
... scores are in the mid-high 170s (woohoo!), but my actual ... test approaches, I'm wondering what kind of drilling would be ... the 160s to the 170s - what types of things/aspects of ... to anyone else? If so, whatdoes it mean and how do ...