... but had to answer the last 2 inBlindreview because I went over ... help without knowing exactly what you're thinking/what you're confused ... />
I think you could display the rules as something like this ... have to explicitly think about the alternating rule for Q 19 ...
... />
Really utilise theblindreview process, even when doing the problem sets. Don ... 't be satisfied with a fixed answer inblindreview ... , but really try to understand the material and what you ...
BlindReview Score: A reflection ... is essentially what you're doing on BR. The more you ... to attack the questions. Do lots and lots of in-depth question ... isn't working for you. What works for how one person ...
The opposite is not true, and ... the Exam in 'Simulate Flex' mode so that I get the three different sections in ... a row, but then turn off the option ... and take the second LR before beginning BlindReview.
... the commenter above. If you are getting -15 on a section, what ... four passages in allotted time? I think if the latter is the case ... passage, and inthe meantime you can cover the "leftover" passage inblindreview and really ...
... can see your score, but what is most important is it ... help you pin point exactly what you should be focusing on ... back to theblindreview section that's featured very early on inthe core ...
... a blindreviewin real time. As in, time yourself doing the question, answer the question ... blindreview method I mentioned above, stop the time immediately and see what is ... the timer after every question blindreview method" can be beneficial especially in ...
... in your approach - the time then needs to be spent figuring out whatwhat ... you do the following -
1) Take the section and blindreview it thoroughly ... entry, you should (i) explain whatthe answer is; (ii) explain WHY ...
... it’s about fine tuning inblindreview. You must realize source of ... you would known through blindreview why you missed what you missed. My ... to write vocabulary commonly used. Inthe end, only you can ... Then develop overall pic of the passage. I.e common pattern ...
... what you're doing. E.g., if you're scoring low inblindreview ... skills. If you're improving inblindreview/untimed work relative to your ... issue. You need to diagnose whatthe problem is here or else ...
1) What's your BlindReview score? If you're ... Core Curriculum for some fundamentals review, as well as some Wrong ... these inBlindReview too? In any event, you shouldn't ever speed-read the ...
... is to do the questions and blindreview them. The strategies inthe core-curriculum are ... and fly through the questions. Focus on understanding what you read first ... and the speed will come ...
... quality time inblindreview, watch all of the explanation videos for the questions you ... of the passage as well as the questions. This was what made the difference ... so many gems in his explanations of the passage like what you should ...
... info out of the passages and questions untimed inblindreview, but this ...
Once you're inblindreview, try to really pull apart ... of what viewpoints come up where: not just the author, ... look for something said directly inthe passage (explicit) or ...
... To add on to that, does is it a timing issue ... when you blindreview? If yes, it seems like in timed settings ... not getting these questions correct inblindreview, there's still foundational ... summary of each sentence inthe stimulus in your own words. Identify ...
... is where the value is... blindreview and an excruciatingly in-depth review of anything ... . You need to put inthe work interpreting what that snapshot means and ... identifying what to do to improve... then ...
... . Compare that reasoning to the reasoning given inthe explanation videos and see ... can spend more time deciding inblindreview. Whatever your results are there ... lot to work with in terms of diagnosing what you need to ...
... me to stay focused and what words to look out ... I misunderstand the whole thing. Blind reviewing helps me realize what exactly messed ... able to catch those myself inblindreview helped me learn better than ... Quite a few questions on the LSAT are designed to trick ...
... me, BlindReview is chance to review my answers without the time constraints ... more critically even with the answers I felt sure ... to really break down the question. I reviewthe premise, conclusion, ... -7 during timed mode to -2 inblindreview (LR specifically).
... example of an event that does NOT need to appeal to ... factors. So why then doesthe author think the premise about events involving ... />
What's the flaw in this argument? The author misinterprets Doctrine X as asserting ...
... training with 7 sage and the only PT I've ... taken is the first diagnostic one. Should ... sets from 7 sage so the sections would be from ... for sections until I finish the lessons (two jobs and ... may not be as thorough inblindreview. That being said, if ...
... no one guesses on the answers left blank after ... scores into the 7Sage Scorer? What you finished and then BlindReview? ...
I just want to get an idea of what ...
3. BlindReview
4. Check BlindReview Score
... scoring inthe 168-172 range inBlindReview, but still trying to get the hang ... of completing sections inthe ... allotted time. I've been told that setting the time ...