Lately, I have been feeling a sense of **dis**couragement. I am losing focus and I am having trouble reading. as predicted, my confidence is lacking as well. #helpme
... paragraph references (e.g. "Whatis the purpose of the third paragraph?") end, especially if I'm actually solving a new question ... I realized that 30 seconds isa lot "longer" than I thought ... . I'll post a pic of examples of LR passage mark ups ...
... side of the coin" and asking the right questions._** so whatis ... helpful. An inference isa combination of the inherent constrictions of the gameboard plus ... is to know automatically what the questions are asking. Whatisa CBT EXCEPT? Whatisa MBT? what ...
So, JY says that we need to use timed BR when doing a section of LR, but what if i'm still going thru the CC and haven't gotten to the point of PTs yet? do i still time myself while doing the cluster of such as weakening questions? #help
If your gpa is above 75th for all t14 schools, whatisa good goal lsat score that would give you solid chances of getting into at least 1 T14 with some money?
... />
I posted a couple weeks ago about thanking ... give me advice on what to do prepare for ... law school? What books should I be reading ... exams or what to study in terms of learning the ... I know that there isa wealth of knowledge and advice for ...
... Taken in isolation, what you did here isa good thing. You ... dealing with them consistently isa symptom of major foundational problems. what you don’t do is just mindlessly think ofa reason ... are running out of time. This isa tool that people ...
**RC success isa function of knowing what to read for and a healthy balance of focus ... is the reporting ofa different idea. We want to identify what that idea is ... that you have a true understanding of the passage is how you develop ...
... score is still 142. To get into one of my schools of choice ... maybe 12 right in a section. Whatis my course of action. I'm ... taking the test no matter what ... , but is ...
... in the 167s towards the end. I have decided to ... August 2020 in the hopes of breaking into the 170s; ... for the LSAT. Is it a stretch to think I ... now, I can devote a majority of my days to studying, ... the next two months. Whatisa realistic schedule I can set ...
My position: Isa student in a better ... have never heard of the legal concept of trespass? Isa student better off ... , it isa waste of time to know what the major components ofa car's ...
... , thinking I only need a little bit of improvement to scrape together ... was 161 and that's what I actually got on game ... PTS)
3) There isa lot of value in redoing problems, ESPECIALLY ... off to get a better LSAT instead of rushing into a cycle.
... hours are intimidating and a part of me is scared that I ... . I know I have a couple of months to go, but ... say the LR section (which is quite beefy) and going ... studying an other section out of order? Did you think ... it was fine skipping a section and comping back ...
Trying to really grind on RC section before Nov 7 - does anyone maybe have a list of really difficult RC sections from previous exams? There's so many organized people on 7Sage, I would think this info is out there somewhere lol...
... The idea is starting a group via clubhouse which is an audio ... social media platform via invitation only (and of ... course iPhone only). Clubhouse is merely an app ... from cellphone
2. There isa platform for speaking then hand ...
... flex on lsac? My test is coming up on Sunday, April ... />
I am trying to see whatis allowed on the test with ... have water? how many pieces of paper am I allowed to ...
... I graduate in the spring of 2022, meaning I am looking ... />
I am just a bit worried about what test I should take ... signing up to take June isa bit of an overkill, and that ... when the semester is in full swing. Furthermore, is that enough time ...
Basically, you can consider a situation where Leachate does not ... it's a landfill on Venus which is overflowing with molten ...
1) Leachate escaping a landfill is sufficient to say that the ... to hold liquids is exceeded because of the IFF statement< ...
... typical performance or if it isa symptom of burnout. I have recently ... is the only reason for my atypical performance. What are the symptoms of ... studying? Does this sound like a natural progression in scoring that ...
... so wildly; maybe it isa time of day or confidence thing? My ... 's not that one of my sections is particularly weaker than the ... me out that I could end up scoring 157 or I ... could end up scoring 173. Did anyone else experience something similar? What ...
I am now scoring about -3 on LR, -2 on LG, but -7 on RC. I'm lost. So whatis the traditional, maybe cliche advice that can help me with reading above a 3rd grade level?
... doing, we need these reminders ofwhat we are called to do ... is the Way**: What I learned from this book is about the philosophy of ... is more than a woman-against-the-elements adventure tale; it isa story of ...
Whatis the 10 minute break like? Do I have to keep the camera facing me as I go get myself a snack and stretch? I live in a studio so everything is one room except for the bathroom. Am I allowed to go into the bathroom? Thanks!!!!!!